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From Gallery-Events / 2014
March 14, 2014 - Press release # 13

The future chefs of the Artusi Institute in Recoaro discover LoisonÂ’s secrets

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On March 14, students from the Artusi Institute of Culinary Education, visited Loison: those specializing in bakery, accompanied by their teachers and guided by Dario Loison, had the opportunity to actively participate in the production process, discovering the secrets of the world of taste and quality craftsmanship. Upon conclusion of the visit, they all tasted some superb Loison Colombe.

There is a growing demand for tours to Loison. In fact, at the end of January, a diverse group of 26 students from the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo - Bra (Cuneo) took a study trip to Loison’s headquarters to experience first-hand the company’s delicious specialties.

The same experience occurred again today with students from another excellent local school: we are talking about the students of the Artusi Institute of Culinary Education in Recoaro, which has always been strongly connected with the social, economic and cultural life of the area. On March 13, the students were invited to take a tour of the company.

About twenty students who specialize in baking were accompanied by their teachers Bollin and Guidotto on a guided tour with Dario Loison. They had the opportunity to actively and fully partake in the production processes relating to matters they were very familiar with. The students’ desire to learn more showed no bounds: during the tour, they indeed poured in their questions and took notes with the typical curiosity of their age, but also fueled by passion. Their keen interest was so appreciated that they were also given a short seminar on the world of leavened products for special occasions, dealing with additional topics such as marketing and packaging. Finally, they were all challenged to make Panettone at home, based on a recipe and the fact sheet that were handed out to them. Afterwards, they got to taste delicious cookies and the superb Peach and Mandarin Colomba. Upon conclusion, all participants received gifts.

Involving young people full-circle in the world of taste and quality craftsmanship is one of Dario Loison’s objectives. The entrepreneur wishes to pass on to them the ongoing desire to improve their products and skills, while working with schools to seize the opportunities that are available and disseminate the culture of excellence.

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