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From Gallery-Events / 2014
April 1, 2014 - Press release # 19

Talking about Food, Cooking and the Web in Schio: Dario Loison relates his experience

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On March 30, an event promoted by Ediclick on the importance of being on-line and of establishing relationships and contacts through social media took place during Slurp Expo

On March 30, in Schio, an event that centered on “Food, cooking and the web” took place during Slurp Expo - Gastronomy in Industrial Archaeology, the first gastronomic fair that promoted the products of the northern counties of the Vicenza province.

The event was promoted by Ediclick, an Italian software house, and was moderated by Maria Moira Trombetta, a construction engineer. Guest speakers were Federico Guerrini, journalist and author of books on social media, Stefano Vrola, an engineer who deals with IT and Internet services for businesses, and Dario Loison, spokesperson for his artisan company whose products are renowned worldwide also thanks to the web.

A lot of topics were discussed and got the attention of the attendees: Dario Loison stressed the importance of, or better yet, the need for all artisan firms to have a corporate website and use it not only as the main instrument to showcase themselves worldwide, but also to harness the power of e-commerce. Social media should not be overlooked either, as they can be additional resources that create communication opportunities and become “environments” in which to build relationships.

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