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From Gallery-Events / 2017
April 18, 2017 - Press release # 8


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Coming up is the round table that will be held to present the book “Raccontare il Made in Italy” by Marco Bettiol - 2.000 copies sold and second reprint.

Organized by Unione Collector, a cultural production project run by printing house Tipografia Unione, the event will take place on April 20 at 6:30 pm.

For the last 11 years, Loison Pasticceri has been the subject of books that testify to Dario Loison’s entrepreneurial spirit. The 14 publications listed in the company’s bibliography speak for themselves

Dario Loison was once again invited to participate as a speaker in a round table. The main event will be the presentation of the book “Raccontare il Made in Italy - Un nuovo legame tra cultura e manifattura” (Telling about ‘Made in Italy’ - A new connection between culture and manufacturing). The book was written by Marco Bettiol, an Economics Professor and Researcher at the University of Padua, Italy. The presentation will be held on April 20, 2017, at 6:30 pm at Unione Collector, a cultural production site run by printing house Tipografia Unione, for Interferenze 2017, a project that seeks to emphasize the value of substance over looks through different narrative methodologies.


Dario Loison is not new to this type of experience. In fact, in 2015 he participated in another presentation of the same book, which has now sold 2,000 copies and is in its second reprint. The entrepreneur will tell of his extraordinary "business vision" that enabled him to revolutionize the concept of artisanal Panettone-making back in the 1990s, when he became aware of the great value of Italian know-how.


"We tend to take the importance of what is Made in Italy for granted," explains Marco Bettiol. “We become more aware of its value when we go abroad and we see first-hand its power to allure consumers. What we often do not focus on is the tremendous cultural value of Italian products. They are not simply a combination of materials and functionality with an economic value, but rather an actual piece of Italian culture."


Over the last 11 years, Loison Pasticceri has been the subject of books that testify to Dario Loison’s hard work and entrepreneurial spirit in many different areas. The company’s bibliography featuring 14 publications speaks for itself.


Next to Dario Loison, there will be Giulia Manea, who runs Tipografia Unione with Fiorella Bertoldo. Their printing company has been a part of the Vicenza fabric for more than 50 years. Another of the invited speakers will be Arduino Zappaterra, owner of the Ardovari goldsmith workshop and spokesman for CNA (Italian Confederation of the Craft Sector and Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises). He is also the President of CORART, a consortium that gathers goldsmiths and silversmiths of the jewelry district in Vicenza. Finally, guests will also hear from Guido Ghedin at Young Digitals, an independent communication agency based in Padua and specializing in the excellence of Made in Italy products. The moderator of the round table will be Marco Bettiol. author of the above-mentioned book.



Press Info -
Anna Bottazzo +39 0444 557082, ext. 420
Giulia Marruccelli +39 347 0452739
Dario Loison +39 348 4106615

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