
From Flash news
January 25, 2018

From Brazil to learn more about LoisonÂ’s business strategies

Good old practices are always in place at Loison. Once again, the month of January saw a lot of requests pouring in from universities and business schools that wished to visit our company.

As usual, we were glad to hold the customary visit of the participants in the International Management & Leadership course organized by the CUOA Foundation, in partnership with IBS (International Business School) in Saõ Paulo, Brazil. This was the fifth visit sponsored by the Foundation and the course was held on January 8-25, 2018. An intensive three-week program focusing on specific skills in strategy, intercultural communication, negotiation and leadership. In addition to the lectures, the participants went on several corporate tours of  successful Italian companies that dealt internationally, including Loison Pasticceri.

About thirty managers arrived at our company, of which 80% originally from Brazil, the rest from the Philippines, Uruguay, United Arab Emirates and Australia. After a short visit to the production plant, the participants gathered in the Educational Room where Dario Loison spoke of his company's history and mission, then illustrated his marketing and communication strategies.

This was followed by the highly anticipated tasting of Panettone varieties over targeted Q&As from the part of the visiting managers.