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October 15, 2021

The Limited-Edition LATTA holds a straight!

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For 15 years, Loison’s Latta has become an increasingly sought-after product, both by those who love collecting it and by those who simply wish to be surrounded by a reusable cult item: there’s no better container than this to store holiday letters and cards!

The original cards that Sonia Design drew inspiration from are kept in the Loison Museum.


In 2021, the LATTA, or Tin Box, turns 15 and fully embodies Sonia Design’s style. This very Collection showcases the best of Christmastime: children playing in the snow, wintry landscapes, mom and dad toasting and the arrival of Santa Claus. Sonia has collected so many vintage greeting cards over the years that she decided to use a different set of cards for each of the five tin boxes available in the Latta Collection.

Every year at Loison’s, the tin container flies off the shelves, as it is sought after, not only by those who love collecting this cult object, but also by those who simply wish to be surrounded by a reusable collector’s item that brings joy time and time again. There’s no better container than this to store holiday letters and cards!




By selecting premium ingredients, Dario Loison is able to create the most exclusive Italian craft Panettone. This year, the tin box collection includes, not three, but five different varieties, starting with 2021’s newest Pistachio Matcha and its decadent filling featuring PDO bright green Pistachio Nuts from Bronte and white chocolate icing dusted with green Matcha Tea powder. Next is the delectable chocolate NeroSale Panettone, introduced in 2018: with its salted caramel sauce in the center, it is one of the most requested varieties by young and old alike. The Regal Chocolate comes with a rich filling and chocolate morsels made from choice single-origin cacao beans; the traditional Classic a.D. 1476 is enriched with premium candied peel of oranges from Sicily and citrons from Diamante; the Mandarin has a unique and intense aromatic fragrance that comes from late-harvest mandarins grown in Ciaculli.

Pages 58-61 of the 2021 Winter Catalog.



The Panettone varieties of the LATTA Collection are prepared with carefully selected ingredients - fresh eggs laid by free-range hens; Italian honey; milk, heavy cream and butter produced in the mountains; Italian sugar; top-grade flour - and are flavored with pure Mananara vanilla from Madagascar (a Slow Food Presidium) and artisanal sea salt from Cervia.


A collector's item increases our joy, because it keeps delivering emotions time after time”. (Sonia Pilla)

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